Big Data Analytics - Know Now
Kognitio Analytical Services

The fastest, most scalable in-memory analytical platform is available on a subscription basis either as PaaS or a fully managed service. Dial-in the amount of service you need. Give us your data andtell us the complex queries or analytics you want to run or describe the value you want to realise. We will work with you in an analytical partnershipapplying our technology and talent.Kognitio offers total flexibility via public or private cloudwith rapid enablement.Achieve real business value and competitive advantage with Kognitio Analytical Services.
Read more Expert Resources

A new white paper addresses todays business demands for economical scalability for big data with high performance, information discovery
Big Data and flexibility while governing semantics and enterprise consistency. Radiant Advisors Modern Data Platform (MDP) is a framework for new reference architecture that meets the challenges of todays data intensive and analytical environments.The Kognitio Playbook for Modern Data Platforms helps you understand the MDP, the Kognitio technology and its role within big data strategy to enable todays companies to transform into tomorrows competitive data-driven organisations.
Download Hadoop Integration

There are many SQL implementations for Hadoop. Kognitio offers the premier scalable in-memory platform with sophisticated SQL and not-only-SQL processing with tight high-performance integration with Hadoop. Pull terabytes into RAM in minutes and analyse with your favourite interactive tools with responsive, low latency andhigh throughput access.
Read more What We Do
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How We Do It
Move through this presentation to understand how we do it.