UCLA Extension and Lifespan Learning Conference Explores Play, Creativity, Mindfulness & Neuroscience in Psychotherapy
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Leading international researchers and clinicians in the field of psychology and neuroscience will meet at UCLA, March 6-8, to explore cutting edge research, discuss clinical applications, and engage in transformative dialogue as they explore innovative methods for integrating humor, play, joy, creativity and positive Yoga Workout for Weight Loss psychology into the therapeutic process.
Play, Creativity, Mindfulness & Neuroscience in Psychotherapy is a 3-day conference offering in-depth case presentations and interactive panels on methods and skills clinicians can use to stimulate client resilience, creativity and spontaneity using play.
By the end of the conference, participants are able to identify specific factors that enhance and/or inhibit play and creativity; compare right and left brains in regulation theory; discuss ways interpersonal neurobiology informs clinical intuition; evaluate clinical treatment recommendations that can nurture creativity, and more.
This conference is critical for clinicians seeking to increase their therapeutic efficacy. Play supports neurological growth and development, and the researchers and clinicians at this conference present evidence-based research and clinical applications important to the therapeutic process, said Dr. Marion F. Solomon, director of clinical training at the Lifespan Institute and conference co-coordinator.
Convened by UCLA Extension and the Lifespan Institute, the Annual Interpersonal Neurobiology Conference meets on March 6-8 at Ackerman Grand Ballroom, UCLA Campus. Read the full program.
Program highlights include Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, opening session on Mindfulness, Play, Wisdom and Happiness. A panel on Creative Expression, Trauma and Healing features Alanis Morrisette, singer/songwriter, author; Betsy Crouch, Coach, ImprovHQ; and Zoe Galvez, Transformative Education Specialist, ImprovHG.
Sharon Salzberg, co-founder, Insight Meditation Society and author, Real Happiness at Work, presents Awakening Resilience, Lovingkindness and Compassion with Mindfulness; Barbara Fredrickson, PhD, leads the session on Love 2.0; and Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Prof. of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine, discusses Traumas Devastating Impact on Imagination and Its Restoration with Focused Play, Theater and Rhythmical Engagement. Dr. Allan N. Schore, Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, explores the Right Brain in Play, Creativity and Connection.
The session on Rage, Creativity and Comedy is led by husband and wife team, Jonathan Lynn, MA, Film TV and theater writer, author, director, and international expert Rita Lynn, PsyD, trained in London at the Institute of Group Analysis and Institute of Family Therapy. Dr. Stuart Brown, Founder and President of the National Institute for Play, explores The Power of Play. Other distinguished speakers participate over the 3-days.
Pre-registration closes March 3. Conference details and online registration are available at Annual Interpersonal Neurobiology Conference. Up to 20.25 hours of continuing education credit is available for mental health professionals attending this conference. For information about mental health and counseling programs at UCLA Extension, call (310) 825-7093, email at mentalhealth@uclaextension.edu.
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UCLA Extension is the continuing education division of the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). We offer courses evenings and weekends in Westwood and Downtown LA, plus online classes available around the globe. Courses range from business, arts, engineering and IT to entertainment studies, public policy, public health, humanities and more. Explore at uclaextension.edu.