How to Use Google Finance Stock Screener
In 2006, Google launched its new addition to the family Google wayne lippman real estate Finance. Google Finance is a site where you can get real-time quotes, interactive charts, and latest financial news and currency conversions. You can even create your portfolio and track it. With Google Finance, you can have access to current and up-to-date stock quote information from various companies on stock markets worldwide.
Now, Google Finance success is brought about mainly by its smart web design. Its features, as well as how to use it, is very simple and easy. One of the most prominent features is its Stock Screener. Google Finance Stock Screener is an advanced search tool which allows you to look for companies that match your given criteria. This screener is a good place if you are planning on starting your own portfolio; may it be for forex, stocks, binary optiontrading, or commodities trading.
Accessing your stock screener is simple; just click Stock screener on your left navigation column. A default screening criteria should be shown in the upper part of your page every time you visit the screener. You can either use the default criteria or create your own. Once the result is out, you can save the content by bookmarking it.
Here is a list of the things you can do with the Google Finance Stock Screener:
Looking for parallel stocks
Any company page you would visit on Google Finance would have a link that says Find similar stocks. Clicking this would take you to the stock screener where you will find stocks that have similar characteristics. These are based on the similarities that the stocks possess based on the criteria. You can adjust the criterion and another search would be done.
Stating your own criteria
Whenever you visit the stock screener, a default criterion would be seen. However, you can change it up to your desired criteria in just a few, simple steps. First, you can widen your list of the existing criteria by clicking Add criteria. The left part is a listing of categories you can choose from. Just click it and it will be added to your criteria. Finally, click Add criteria for you to approve your selection. Meanwhile, by clicking X, you can remove a particular criterion.
Modifying the minimum and maximum criteria values
For a particular stock you screen, default Max and Min values for the criterion which correspond to the maximum and minimum values available can be seen. These parameters can be adjusted and modified by two simple ways. You can either type a new value in the Max and Min text boxes or drag the slider found in the middle of the text boxes to modify the values.
As you move the slider to adjust the minimum and maximum values, the results of your screening updates spontaneously. Pressing the Enter or Tab button on your keyboard, on the other hand, will update the results if you have entered a specific value in the text boxes.
Viewing your results
The company names, ticker symbol and values of the criteria you have chosen would be shown in the result section columns. The results are listed alphabetically by default; however, you can sort the results by the categories listed by simply clicking the categorys column header. By clicking the header twice, the category would be arranged in the opposite order. You can also enhance your results by utilizing the sector and exchange drop-down menus found on the right side of the screen.
Screener Winner!
Stock screeners are just rough estimates of stocks. Investors can use stock screeners to conduct researchers to selectively pick stocks of their interest. Even though these are rough estimates, even investors use these estimates to build their basis in managing their portfolio. On the other hand, stock screeners can filter down stocks according to your preferred market cap, price ratio, by industry, by sector, average volume, even stocks that pay or do not pay a dividend.
Aside from rough appraisal of stocks, screeners are made to quickly filter through thousands and thousands of stocks for your investment portfolio. Along with Yahoo! Finance and FINVIZ.coms stock screener, Google Finances Stock Screeneris one of the premium and the best stock screeners in the internet.
Spend a few minutes screening stocks and build that perfect portfolio for you!